The Enid Daily Eagle from Enid, Oklahoma (2024)

ENID The Trade Center of the Most Prosperous Section of Oklahoma The Enid Daily Gagle WEST for east: noon night, KANSAS: cooler cooler partly showers OKLAHOMA: and thundershowers. and TEXAS: or considerable showers cloudy, Partly Wednesday southeast in tonight. Partly east or cloudy thunderstorms Generally and cloudiness cloudy, tonight; Wednesday west, central in fair thunderstorms with and north mostly this fair northeast Wednesday; Wednesday scattered scattered tonight. except cloudy after- and toOklahoma, Office as second class matter under act of March 3, 1879 Entered in Enid, Lord Beaverbrook Flatly Asserts He Would Like To See U.S. Enter War; Claims Supplies Not Enough ASSOCIATED PRESS UNITED PRESS TUESDAY, AUGUST 1941 News And Eagle 22,361 ESTABLISHED 1893 July Circulation FORTY -EIGHTH YEAR INTERNATIONAL NEWS ENID, OKLAHOMA, 26, Sunday Circulation GERMANS CLAIM NEW GAINS IN RUSSIA Thousands Of Men Go Back To Jobs At New Jersey Shipyards LAST RUSSIAN BRIDGEHEAD ON -Iceland ViewsIceland Isn't Enthused About British Troops But They Seem to Warm Up to Americans Slightly More; English Officials Leave Defacing Marks on Their Legation Center in Island's Capital By Walter Kiernan REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Aug.

14- (Delaved) -'INS) -The British, legation ir. Reykjavik, land, is defaced with crude chalked swastikas and written vulgarities which the British with superb aplomb allow to remain. Iceland does not enthuse about the British. The American consulate, even since the arrival of troops from the United States, has not been nolested in any manner and the Icelanders seem to warm up to the Americans slightly more. There w.s even before the British occupation, a considerable pronazi bloc in Iceland and while the British as one of the first moves after their arrival saw.

to it that known nazis and outspoken sympathizers were quietly. removed, it is evident that sympathy for the German cause has not been stifled. Has Several Reasons The Icelander has several reasons for hi: pro-German sentiment. For one it had been the custom in the past for students of higher education to move on from the island's university to the postgraduate schools of Germany. For another, the Icelander is an independent soul and the British pretty much took over when they moved in.

His resentment is not so much at individual British soldiers officers as at the entire proposition of being "protected" against a nation which many Icelanders consider a friend. The goverament itself although it "invited" both Britain and the United States to come in has not been sold to the last man on the proposition and the people most certainly nave not. They tolerate rather than welcome and endure rather than embrace the visitors. Reception Is Cold Britons who have been stationed at various camps here for many months report that their attempts to make friends with nearby farmers have met frigid reception. That also goes for the farmers' daughters.

There are Icelanders who have been in the United States and whose conduct toward even the Americans is at least partial indication of a desire to stay entirely clear of both Britons and Americans. One prominent business man, the (Turn to Page 8, Column 1) POINTS TO PARENTS By Edyth Thomas Wallace This 8-26 Mother: "Turn around, put this little foot down that's the war to get down from the chair -backward. Now you may climb up Not This 1341. The Reinater Tribune Syndicate Mother: "Baby can climb up into chair alone but I spend most of my time trying to keep him from falling out on his face." When baby is able to climb up onto something by himself, he can usually be taught how to get down again with safety. UNCLE SAM BIG BOSS AS WORK GETS UNDERWAY No Sign of Disturbance, No Force Used by Government Men ADMIRAL BOWEN SAYS JOBS SATISFACTORY Urgently Needed Warships, Merchant Vessels Can Be Built By Jaines L.

Kilgallen KEARNY, N. Aug. 26- (INS)-With Harold G. Bowen as the big boss, the United States navy today began operating the governmentplant of the Federal Shipbuilding and Dry Dock compan, at 3-10 per cent of normal capacity." Thousands of men, who had been on strike since August 7, marched back to work this morning seemingly willing to be bossed by Uncle Sam rather than private management. There wasn't the slightest sign of a disturbance and the government made no show of force.

Promptly at 7:30 a. m. when the four gates leading to the huge plant were opened the men, carrying lunch pails and their tool kits, streamed back to work just as if there never had been a strike. Less than ten policemen were assigned to each gate. Admiral Bowen, wearing his navy blue uniform, announced shortly before noon, after a survey of the plant, that 10,889 men had reported and were at work.

That number compared with 11,160 which comprised the day shift on August 5. The admiral said he expected that virtually all of the 16,000 employes would be back at their posts within twenty-four hours. Releases Orders Resumption of work on 000 in orders for urgently needed warships and merchant vessels was only the forerunner of bigger things to come, according to Admiral Bowen, who knuckled down to the task of expanding the plant's business. Admiral Bowen announced he would continue the policy of the private management of having the men work around the three shifts a day, including Sunday. There are now thirteen ships on the ways--two cruisers, six destroyers, three tankers and two cargo carriers.

"The spirit of the men is fine," Admiral Bowen said. "They seemed darned glad to be back at work. I was particularly impressed by their will to work. I have the complete cooperation of the management which has gone out and of the union." L. H.

Korndorff, president of the company taken over by the government, was not in the plant. Admiral Bowen revealed that he had received a telephone call from (Turn to Page 8, Column 4) Jaycees Sponsor Festival Caravan: The junior. division of the Enid Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a 2-day automobile caravan tour of 16 northwest Oklahoma cities and towns for September 10 and 11 to boost the Cherokee Strip opening celebration in Enid September 14, 15. and 16. The tour will leave Enid at 10 o'clock on each day and all members of the junior division are urged: to participate.

It is planned to. carry along a loud speaker and appropriate advertising literature about the main events on the Strip opening celebration program this year, On the first day the towns visited will include Hennessey, Marshall, Covington, Garber for a 30- minute luncheon; Lamont, Jefferson, Pond Creek and back to Enid. On the second day the group will go to Nash, then to Jet and Cherokee for a 30-minute luncheon; then to Carmen, Aline, Cleo Springs, Fairview, Ringwood and then to Enid. This is part of the Jaycees' contribution to the celebration this year and it is expected to greatly increase interest in the many events offered at the Enid celebration. Kite Contest Draws Interest A BOY AND HIS KITE are there's plenty of accent on vouth sored by the American Business The contest is being held on Buren and Billy Gray (above), youngsters who kept their kites of the endurance flight contest.

MANY PERSONS FILE FOR JOBS AT AIR SCHOOL City Officials Trying to Settle Condemnation Suit Applications for positions at the army air corps training center, southwest of Enid, when the school opens about the first of next year, began pouring in to Major Henry V. Dorr, project officer, at the postoffice building Tuesday. This came after it was announced that positions would be open to between 150 and 200 civilians at the school after it is opened. They all will be civil service positions as clerks, stenographers, filing clerks and similar office work. The civil service will be asked to fill the positions from qualified applicants in this area, and if there are not sufficient applicants, then the positions will be given to those who are qualified and who are willing to later stand a civil service examination.

File in Writing All applications should be in writing and sent to the project officer, flying school, postoffice building. Frank Milner, civil service clerk at the postoffice, will have any information about future examinations where persons may qualify for civil service positions. Enid officials and counsel for Earl Baker were again in conference Tuesday to determine if a settlement of the condemnation suit brought by the city against Baker may be reached. Contractors at the air school site said approximately 100 additional men had been put on during the first two days of this week, divided (Turn to Page 8, Column 4) NO SHOWERS FALL IN ENID SECTION None of the scattered showers predicted for Oklahoma Tuesday had struck in this region to temper the sultry, late August heat. The forecast was for partly cloudy, scattered thundershowers in the northeast portion tonight and in the east-central portion Wednesday, and cooler Wednesday in the north portion.

Alva had a high of 102 Monday, Lawton 101 and it was 97 at Enid. Only Bartlesville, Newkirk and Tuskahoma reported showers over. night. TREASURY BALANCE WASHINGTON, Aug. 26-(INS)Treasury balance Aug.

23: I. R. C. R. $26,811,776.06 INQUIRY ORDER ISSUED IN EAST GASOLINE CASE Public Hearings Scheduled to Start on Thursday WASHINGTON, Aug.

26- senate commerce committee today ordered an investigavion of the Atlantic seaboard gasoline shortage, starting with public hearings Thursday, Price Administrator Leon Henderson meantime announced that the government would act "within 48 hours" to stabilize retail gasoline prices on the east coast. He informed President Thomas P. Henry of the American Petroleum association that some filling stations "are wilfully profiteering." The senate commerce committee short cut the usual procedure. for a congressional investigation in order to get the facts of the oil shortage with the least possible delay. Senator Francis Maloney, author of a resolution creating a special senate oil investigating committee, which the commerce group also approved, announced that the gasoline shortage inquiry will go ahead regardless of when or where the full senate acts on the resolution.

He said that a commerce subcommittee had been appointed to start the investigation pending senate action on his resolution and appointment of a special five-member committee by Vice President Henry A. Wallace. If the special committee is named, the sub-committee will turn over the inquiry to it. Members of the commerce subcommittee who will start the gasoline shortage inquiry Thursday are: Maloney, chairman; Senators George Radcliffe, W. Lee O'Daniel, Texas, Harold H.

BurOhio, and W. Warren Barton. bour. N. J.

Maloney said no witnesses had been selected for the first hearing. "Most of our hearings will be open," he said, "but we may have to have some closed hearings because of the possibility of defense secrets which the president mentioned." The commerce committee also approved Maloney's resolution for an investigation of the defense priorities system. Price officials said that it was (Turn to Page 8, Column 4) Baseball Today NATIONAL LEAGUE First game RHE St. Louis at 000 102 000-3 7 0 Brooklyn 201 220 01x-8 12 1 Lanier, Shoun, Gumbert, Crouch and Mancuso, W. Cooper; Davis and Owen.

First game RHE Chicago at 101 003 000-5 8 1 Philadelphia 111 001 000-4 13 2 Mooty and McCullough; ho*rst, Melton, Beck and Livingston, Warren. First game RHE Pittsburgh at 000 300 000-3 4 0 Boston 011 01001x-4 13 0 Willkie and Davis; Tobin and Berres, Montgomery. First game RHE Cincinnati at 020 020-4 10 New York 300 003 10x-7 10 0 Walters. Turner and Lombardi, Riddle: McGee, Schumacher and Danning. Second game: at 0 St.

Louis Brooklyn M. Cooper and W. Cooper; Fitzsimmons and Franks. Second game: Chicago at Philadelphia 0 Erickson and Scheffing; Si Johnson and Warren. Second game: Pittsburgh at 010 Boston 000 Butcher and Lopez; Errickson and Berres.

Second game: Cincinnati at 0 New York 2 Thompson and West; Bowman and Hartnett. AMERICAN LEAGUE First game: Philadelphia at 010-010 20 Detroit 000 000 10 Marchildon and Wagner; Newson and Sullivan. Boston at 20 Cleveland 30 Newsome and Pytlak; Bagby and Hemsley. DNIEPER TAKEN LONDON, Aug. the most outspoken statement on the controversial issue yet made by a British cabinet officer, Lord Beaverbrook admitted today he would like to see the United States in the war.

Britain's Canadian-born minister of supply talked to the press soon after his return from Washington, where he discussed all angles of American war production with United States officials. After a detailed summation of the production situation in the United States and Great Britain, Lord Beaverbrook concluded: "I would like to see the United States in the war. "I would like to see the United States taking a greater AUDITORIUM AT 0. C. WON'T BE OPEN FOR TALK Council Denies Lindbergh Right to Speak in City Buiiding OKLAHOMA CITY.

Aug. The city ouncil voted ly today to deny Charles A. Lindbergh the use of Oklahoma City's municipal auditorium for an address Frida; before an America First organization. The action came when 250 persons, representing five organizations, appeared before the council and protested the use of public property by Lindbergh. Most of the protestants were American Legion members.

Herbert K. Hyde, Oklahoma City attorney and chairman of the local American First committee, said arrangen ents were under way for Lindbergh to speak elsewhere "even if it has be in a cow pasture." "This man Lindbergh," said Ross Lillard, former Legion commander, "has no sympathy for ican defense efforts. He is in sympathy with the enemy. He should be drawing an enormous salary from Hitler because he is doing just what Hitler wants done in this country--creating dissension." To Refund Rent The council voted to refund to the American First organization payment for rent of the auditorium and to explain that the contract had been made without the realization that Lindbergh was to be the speaker. "We aren't denying him freedom of speech," stated Councilman A.

P. Van Meter. "He can go out on the street corner and talk until he gets tired. We just don't want him in our public buildings." Mrs. W.

A. McKeever, 68, was the only person in the crowd of 250 who contended that Lindbergh should be allowed use of the building. "He is no more of a nazi than you or she stated. "We are not at war. Is freedom of speech dead? I will protest as long as there is a breath in me." Women Join Protest Several women representing the Women's Ambulance and Transport corp shouted for Mrs.

McKeever to sit down. "You have heard the other side." she said, "if this is still America you will let me speak." Protesting Lindbergh's use of the (Turn to Page 8, Column 1) FORMER AMERICAN DESTROYER IS SUNK LONDON, Aug. 26-(P)-The former United States Destroyer Hopewell, renamed the Bath and manned by a Norwegian crew in the service of Britain, has been sunk, the Royal Norwegian navy announced today. The onl; other detail disclosed was that an unspecified number of the crew was lost. It was the first of the former U.

S. destroyers to be announced as lost. The Bath was one of the 50 U. S. destroyers taken over by the British.

in 1340 in exchange for base-rights on British territory in the western hemisphere. INFILTRATION DENIED DAKAR, French West Africa, Aug. 26-(A)-The government general of French West Africa today issued an official denia: that there was any German infiltration into Senegal territory. Iran Believed Seeking Peaceful Settlement of Strife TURKEY INDICATES AXIS FRIENDSHIPS Soviets, British Meet Little Opposition in Iran Drive in the war effort and to a higher measure. "But American entry must be determined by the people of the United States." Lord Beaverbrook frankly admitted that American supply could never fulfill all Britain's demands, and he acknowledged that after two years of war British production was still muddled and "numerous mistakes" made, The flow of materials from the United States, Lord Beaverbrook said, "has not reached a satisfactory point." "We are getting splendid supplies which will soon be enormous on some materials as the result of duction improvements," he con(Turn to Page 8, Column 2) OPPOSITION TO PETAIN FORMED IN RUMP MEET 12 Persons Hurt in Railway Accident Blamed on Sabotage VICHY, France, Aug.

than 100 members of parliament have met in rump session here and formed themselves into an opposition to the regime of Marshal Henri Philippe. Petain, it was disclosed today. Disclosure of this new organized opposition to the Vichy regime COincided with revelation that 12 passengers were injured in a new railway accident in occupied France suspected to have resulted from sabotage. An autorail and a freight train collided at the Carneville station south of Cherbourg. Emergency courts, empowered to impose summary death sentences on communists, anarchists and saboteurs.

went into action against terrorists in the Paris area and it was disclosed that Petain would make an important speech at 11 8. Sunday in the Vichy stadium. Seen Important Observers said the parliamentary opposition was the most formidable and. most important of the tion which Petain himself in his August 12 speech to the nation. The rump parliament of more than 100 senators and deputies, decided to maintain opposition to Petain's efforts to eliminate them completely from national life before their mandates expire next May.

The present chamber was elected in May, 1936, amidst general strikes and the popular front landslide which swept Leon Blum and his socialists into power. The mandates should have expired in 1940 but former Premier Edouard Daladier extended them to May, 1942, to avoid a wartime election. The rump parliament has established a permanent organization under former (Turn to Page 8, Column 2) BRITISH FIGHTERS RAID FRENCH COAST LONDON, Aug. over the white cliffs of skim at times Just above the sea, a squadron of British fighters hurtled toward the French coast today, picking up in bright sunshine overnight RAF raids on Mannheim and Karlsruhe in Germany's Rhineland. German planes dropped bombs last night on two points in South Wales and at one place in southwest England, causing no casualties and only slight damage, the air and home security ministries said.

(The Germans announced that five British bombers were shot down. No military or other vital damage was caused although minor fires were started, the Germans said.) BULLETIN MOSCOW, Aug. Red army machine-gunners were reported today to be mowing down waves of German infantry, motorcyclists and panzer crews trying to close in on Leningrad for the kill after smashing through fortified Novgorod, in Leningrad's outer defense system. always a familiar combination and at the annual kite contest sponclub for boys under 16 of age. the cireus grounds on North Van 620 North Sixth, is one of the 1 14 in the air through the first night (News-Eagle Photo) SENATE GROUP APPROVES NEW TAX FORM USE Simplified System of Computation Would Be Optional WASHINGTON, Aug.

The senate finance committee today approved use of a simplified tax form which will permit small taxpayers to compute income taxes at a glance without filling out detailed blanks. The simplified system of computation would be optional, and any taxpayer would be entitled to fill out a regulation form and compute his own tax if he desired. The simplified chart could be used only by those whose incomes did not exceed $3,000 a year. The plan is designed to aid some 6,000,000 persons who would file tax returns for the first time next year under the new lowered exemptions voted by the senate instead of $800 for single persons, and $1500 instead of $2000 for married. coupies.

Charts would be computed by the treasury and posted in public places such as post offices. A taxpayer would be able to look up the giving his income and find mediately what tax he has to pay. Allow Deductions The rates are computed roughly -allowing an average 10 per deduction for contributions, interest, in most cases the tax could be reduced slightly by any individual computing his levy in the (Turn to Page 8, Column 3) FBI AIDE ASKS VFW SANTO HELP U. S. DRIVE PHILADELPHIA, Aug, Louis B.

Nichols, assistant director of the federal bureau of investigation, called upon the Veterans of Foreign Wars today for assistance in stamping out the fifth column in America. Speaking at the veterans' national convention he advised, however, against individual detective methods because the "well-intended citizens who take it upon themselves to investigate suspicious activities are not helping but hindering the authorities." citizens should advise the FBI on matters deserving investigation. CRUISER DAMAGED ROME, Aug. 26-(AP)-The Italian high command. announced today that an Italian torpedo-carrying plane had damaged a British cruiser of the Dido class off the Libyan coast near Salum.

By The Associated Press Adolf Hitler's high command late today reported the capture of Dnieperopetrovsk, decribed a. the last Russian bridgehead on the west bank of the lower Dnieper river, along with soviet prisoners, and other German reports told of a new thrust in the drive on Leningrad in the north. Dnieperopetrovsk, an important hydro-electric power center, lies at the great bend of the Dnieper river, where Soviet Marshal Budyeny's armies were expected to make their next major stand. In the critical battle of Leningrad, the Russians reported that red army machine-gunners were slaughtering wave on wave of nazi infantry, motorcyclists and panzer crews trying to close in on the old czarist capital for the kill. Belated -deport Received Meanwhile, belated dispatches from Teh.ran, the capital of Iran (Persia), indicated Iran might still be seeking a peaceful solution of the dispute which brought invasion by British and Russian armies.

Even after the fighting started, thes: dispatches said, Teheran police ordered the expulsion of a small number of Germans and Premier Ali announced that his government was continuing conversations with Britain and Russia "to clarify 113 reason and object of these aggressions." Turkey's role in the new middle east conflict- position under close scrutiny by the Wilhelmstrasseslanted away from the Anglo-Soviet allie with an official Turkish radio broadcast declaring: Sorry for Iran "All Turks feel sorrow for Iran." The radio asserted that the 2- day-old invasion was neither "just nor right" because "Iran only wanted to keep neutrality." Some observers saw the possibility that the Turks, under nazi pressure, might permit German troops to march across Turkey to aid Iran. Fierce soviet Cossacks swooping down from the north and British Imperial troops striking from the south and west were reported meeting only sporadic resistance from Iran's little army of men. Key Points Seized Dispatches from the new war theater said Indian and British forces, including -borne troops such as Adolf Hitler exploited in the conquest of Greece, had seized three ker points after brief skirmishes. Dispatches from Teheran, the Iran capital, indicated that the government might be preparing the ground for early peace negotiations (Turn to Page Column 3) Would You Like to Own Your Home? It isn't as difficult as it may seem to you this home ownership proposition. Many local firms offer fine, medium price homes on longterm.

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The Enid Daily Eagle from Enid, Oklahoma (2024)


Who is famous from Enid Oklahoma? ›

Actors and actresses
  • Richard Erdman - actor, Stalag 17, Community.
  • Glenda Farrell - actress.
  • Lynn Herring - actress, General Hospital, Days of Our Lives.
  • Thad Luckinbill - actor, star of The Young and the Restless.
  • Russell Scott - Blinky the Clown, Blinky's Fun Club.

What is the farm show in Enid Oklahoma? ›


2025 Kicks off with the 28th Annual KNID Agrifest! What started in one room on the Garfield County Fairgrounds in Enid, OK back in 1996, has now grown to cover the footprint of four different buildings with more than 250 booths. KNID Agrifest is now Northwest Oklahoma's larger farm show.

Which celebrity lives in Oklahoma? ›

Famous Residents
  • Famous Oklahoma Citians include:
  • Lou Antonio, Actor: Cool Hand Luke, CSI, Gunsmoke. Johnny Bench, Baseball.
  • Sam Bradford, NFL Athlete. Paul and Thomas Braniff, Aviation.
  • Walter Cronkite, Journalist.
  • Ralph Ellison, Author.
  • Vince Gill, Singer, Songwriter.
  • James Marsden, Actor: The Notebook, 27 Dresses, X-Men.

Who is the most famous person from Oklahoma? ›

1. Brad Pitt. William Bradley "Brad" Pitt was born on December 18, 1963 in Shawnee, Oklahoma and raised in Springfield, Missouri to Jane Etta Pitt (née Hillhouse), a school counselor & William Alvin "Bill" Pitt, a truck company manager.

What is Enid, Oklahoma known for? ›

In 1991, the Oklahoma state legislature designated Enid the "purple martin capital of Oklahoma." Enid holds the nickname of "Queen Wheat City" and "Wheat Capital" of Oklahoma and the United States for its immense grain storage capacity, and has the third-largest grain storage capacity in the world.

Who lives in Enid, Oklahoma? ›

Enid, OK is home to a population of 62.5k people, from which 95.3% are citizens. As of 2022, 4.91% of Enid, OK residents were born outside of the country (3.07k people). In 2022, there were 12.8 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (45k people) in Enid, OK than any other race or ethnicity.

What celebrity is from Norman Oklahoma? ›

Hoda Kotb was born on 9 August 1964 in Norman, Oklahoma, USA. She is an actress and writer, known for Marry Me (2022), Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999) and Today (1952).

Who is the famous singer from Oklahoma? ›

The All-American Rejects and The Flaming Lips both formed in the Sooner State. One thing is certain: you can have a lot of success if you grew up in this beautiful state. Other popular Oklahoma artists include Carrie Underwood, Kings of Leon, Hanson, Chet Baker, and Ryan Tedder.


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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

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Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.