FAUX LOVE - Chapter 10 - HumpiTK - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

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The plan of collaboration with Celio and Oscuro was going on full speed in Cha Enterprises. It was not yet announced to the public yet on Taehyung's request.

He wanted to wait until the project ends and announce only IF he is satisfied with the outcome. He will take care of utmost detail if it's about CELIO, he absolutely cannot take chances. He made sure to include that condition in the contract. Surprisingly, the CEO of OSCURO has no problem with it.

This is the second meeting of the three companies. Taehyung had no particular opinion about it, unlike the other two who were beyond excited but for two very different reasons and intentions.

Cha was excited for collaborating with the king of their world along with the rising prince. And the other one, who made sure that this collaboration happens just so he can conveniently meet Taehyung whenever he wants, was excited for whole another reason.

What Mr. Cha didn't know is that he is just a pawn in Jungkook's little game. Right now, Jungkook was on his way to Cha's company for a meeting with CELIO. Strangely, he didn't think much about Taehyung since his last message the previous night. Or maybe not so strange because he was forcing himself not to think about the other, still a bit salty about Taehyung's concern about another man, even after he is in the picture.

Until now, when his eyes landed in Taehyung who was getting out of his car followed by his manager. He stuffed his hands in his pockets as his lips curved upwards to a side.

"Good morning Mr. Kim."

Taehyung looked at him and nodded in acknowledgment before he glanced at the man behind him getting out of the car.

"Mr. Jeon..."

Jungkook smiled and was about to speak when he heard Taehyung call his name. But Taehyung walked past Jungkook whose smile fell at the ignorance, clenching his teeth in rage.

It only amplified when he turned around to look at Taehyung approaching Bright, who was looking at Jungkook biting his lips in nervousness.

"Are you okay? How is your shoulder Mr. Jeon?"

He asked with a genuine worried frown on his face. Jungkook was intently looking at the scene, his heart burning in rage, clearly visible in his now red eyes.

"I am okay Mr. Kim."

He answered with slight polite smile, side eyeing Jungkook and the expression on his face was exactly like how he expected.

Taehyung doesn't like to interfere in others business, he just keeps on doing his work without bothering anyone, expecting the same from the people he deals with. He is someone who doesn't like to cause slightest discomfort and here, he hurt a person unintentionally.

Taehyung looked at the shoulder patch peeking through his shirt. He felt bad for being the cause of it.

"Take care of yourself, Mr. Jeon. I am sorry again."

He again gently patted his shoulder like he did the first time and left with Jackson. He walked towards Jackson and gestured him to follow him as he walked into the building.

"Mr. Jeon..."

Bright spoke in a low voice, careful not to make the situation worse. He knows what exactly must be going in Jungkook's mind now. He was still looking at the place Taehyung talked to Bright, like he was in daze.

"Mr. Jeon, we might get late."

Jungkook turned around and walked into the company, his hands fisted in his pockets. He didn't utter a word until they were both alone in the elevator.

"Do I need to hurt myself to get his attention?"

Bright frowned and looked at him, who was still looking into distance, face void of emotion. He turned to look at Bright and asked.

"Huh? Tell me. Maybe I'll get his attention if I am hurt, like you?"


Before Bright could utter a single word, Jungkook fisted his palm and started punching the elevator door hardly, looking straight into Bright's eyes. Bright could clearly hear few cracks, probably the broken knuckles.


Bright held his fist, to stop him from hurting himself more. It happened so fast that he couldn't stop the first two hits.

"What the hell hyung?!"

"What? It worked for you, right?"

He said nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders, jerking his hand from Bright's hold and fixed his suit. As if on queue, the elevator door opened and Jungkook walked towards Cha's office with his usual smug and confident face like he didn't break his bones a moment ago.


Taehyung stared at the masterpiece unblinkingly, not really wanting to take his eyes away from the beautiful art. This piece right here was what inspired him the most to study art. This painting is what gave him a purpose, a passion that helped him stay sane and comforted him which his own father failed to do.

He has seen the painting in a lot of exhibitions. He made sure to visit every single exhibition, energy single time this piece was exhibited no matter in which corner of the world it's being held. But right now, it felt like dream that for the first time ever it is being sold tonight and that too right here in Seoul and there is no way he'd miss the opportunity to own it. He smiled looking at the picture, a genuine one this time. He didn't realize he was smiling after a very long time.

Maybe because after shifting his interest to Celio he couldn't really go back to painting even if he tried. He didn't have any motivation. Maybe having this painting on his wall will finally help him stroke at least a single line on the empty canvas waiting for him in his home.

But that's not the reason he wants to buy it. He was just hoping that it'll help him in more than one way, and he'll be fine if it doesn't help too. He would buy the painting regardless. Whenever he looks at the painting, he doesn't feel alone. It calms his mind, screaming peacefully at him to look at the good things in his life.

"Mr.Kim, do you want to take a look at other works?"

The guide asked him, pulling him out of his peaceful thoughts, forcing him to realize that he is still in the cold chaotic world and not in the beautiful and calm world his head pictured when he stared at the painting.

"Go on. I will help myself."

He spoke sternly yet politely not turning his gaze away from the canvas. The guy nodded and bowed his head before leaving Taehyung to his thoughts and his staring business. He was sure Taehyung was not interested in looking around and just like he expected, Taehyung was indeed not interested to even look at other arts.

Normally, he'd look at all the arts exhibited whenever he visits places like these but seeing this beautifully painted canvas after almost a year, didn't let him walk away from it.

The old Taehyung would have blindly gone to any extent to buy the painting but since he took over Celio he learnt a lot of things. He cannot spend money recklessly no matter how much he has. There somethings called budget limit allotted to every sector in Celio or any company for that matter.

"How much is the budget limit to buy this?"

Jackson gestured Hoseok, their Finance manager who accompanied them for the auction to answer Taehyung who seemed to have himself looking at some art. He turned on his iPad and looked at the figures as he answered.

"Oh, Mr. Kim it's 10 million US dollars."

"Hmm... What is the maximum limit if it includes my personal expenses for a month?"

"Mr. Kim, the maximum limit is 20 million US dollars if added with the profits of this month's shares we got from our previous collaboration and also the increased demand on the new perfume release and with you owning 4% of personal shares, the amount we can spend on this auction is..."

He typed aggressively on his iPad, biting on his lips in nervousness for making his boss wait for the answer.

"Yes. 20-25 million dollars. But you don't have to worry Mr. Kim..."

He continued still looking at his iPad screen and spoke.

"The paintings original value is 5 million dollars. The average amount the paintings in this exhibition sold is 4 times to the original value. That is 20 million dollars. But there is a chance the average might increase this year to 5 times the original value. That makes it 25 million dollars. Either way we are ready, and the painting will be yours Mr. Kim."

Taehyung hummed in satisfaction and walked to the hall when he heard the announcement for the auction with Jackson and Hoseok following him.

He waited boredly with his elbows on the table for his turn. He didn't bid on a single art waiting patiently for his turn when the precious piece turns up. He clutched on the number 5 sign tighter when he saw the picture of the art, he was interested in.

The bidding price for this original work interpreting 'masked love' is 7 million dollars.

Hoseok had fingers on his laptop's keyboard, preparing himself for the bidding. He leaned closer to Taehyung and whispered in his ear.

"The price is over a 2 million dollars than the price we estimated, but it's okay."

Taehyung nodded his head, going back to concentrating on the bidding that is about to start.

"So, let's begin the bidding. 7 million dollars... 7 million dollars anyone?"

"7.5 million."

"7.5 million dollars from number 2... going once, tw-- 8 million dollars number 19 going onc--- 8.5 million from number 2 going once---"

Hoseok looked at Taehyung and nodded showing him one finger. Taehyung nodded back and raised his sign.

"10 million."

"10 million from number 5-- going once... twic-- 12 million from number 19 g-- Oh! 15 million from number 5 going on--- 17 million from number 10--- 18 million from No. 22 going--"

Taehyung groaned getting irritated. Hoseok was trying to calm him and go in a flow until he heard Taehyung shout.20 million.

"Wow... 20 million from number 5... going once---22 million from number 13---23 million from number 5--- 23.5 million from number 13--"

Taehyung pushed all his limit even though he knows the opponent might give up, but still, he doesn't mind losing extra million for the artwork.

"25 million.25 million from number 5... highest bid for the night... going once... going twice..."

Taehyung smirked in victory to finally own that canvas he had always wanted. Hoseok was a little disappointed for not following his instructions. He was also sure Taehyung might've gotten it for 24 million.

"...going thric-- Oh I can see number 13 going up. What's your bid?"

Taehyung fisted his palms in anger and leaned closer to Hoseok, whispering in his ear.

"Make the limit 30 million. I want it at any cost. I will deduct it from my personal savings."

Hoseok nodded hesitantly and he typed on his computer.


The crowd gasped at the amount that was bid, including Taehyung. He slumped his shoulders defeatedly, lost in thoughts. Hoseok and Jackson looked at him with the same befallen faces.

"50 million dollars from number 13 going once... going twice... going thrice and SOLD. Congratulations Number 13."

The crowd cheered standing on their feet the for the highest bid ever in the auctions held by this community. The amount will be donated to charities and foundations. Even though the bid was anonymous, they were showing their appreciation including Taehyung.

Soon, the crowd dispersed as soon as the event was finished. They were waiting for Hoseok's brother to pick him up even though Hoseok insisted them to leave. Jackson looked at Taehyung, pressing his lips together wanting to say something but clearly, he was hesitating.

"Just ask away Wang."

"Are you sad that you lost that painting? I know how much you love it."

Taehyung smiled a little, shocking Jackson but he understands that other must be in a good mood after spending time in the exhibition to bless him with that rare slight curve.

"I was sad, but I think it's in a good hand. You know how much I love that piece but how much must the person love it, if he bought it for a double price. They know it's value more than I ever did. So, I guess it's ok."

Taehyung said shrugging his shoulders, hugging himself when the cold breeze from the window caressed him. Jackson smiled fondly and nodded his head.

"I think my ride's here."

"I will send Mr. Jung off and return. Will you wait here Mr Kim?"

Taehyung hummed and nodded as Hoseok bowed to him and left. He looked around the now empty, exhibition hall and sighed. The eerie silence accompanying him as he hugged himself more.

"Absolutely not."

"Jesus!!" Taehyung flinched, jumping in fear at sudden interruption of a voice. He frowned and looked at the man walking towards him with his hands in his pockets and the usual smirk on his face, he could see his assistant following him as usual.

Jungkook stood right in front of Taehyung who looked away, having no intentions to talk to the arrogant man out of work. He would've at least greeted politely if not for the stunts Jungkook pulled with him.

He could still picture the way Jungkook was looking at him the last time they met. He didn't even blink his yes, just like in their first business meeting but yesterday felt different. He could see Jungkook clenching and unclenching his fist. But confused more was the way his secreter was looking at the same fist in concern. Taehyung only pushed the thoughts away, not wanting to meddle in their business especially not Jungkook's.

"Absolutely not. Nop." He said as soon as he reached Taehyung, who frowned in confusion, looked at him and muttered a small "what?"

"I don't know the value of it. Honestly, I don't know sh*t about painting and stuff. I don't even understand this painting."

He pointed at canvas Bright was holding down in his hand. Taehyung closed his eyes for a brief moment realizing what Jungkook was talking about.

"You are number 13. Of course."

"Yup. A very generous bidder huh."

He chuckled, irritating Taehyung to the core who was already pissed at the fact that something so precious is going to someone who doesn't even understand the art.

"I got it." He scoffed and continued. "You bought it because you don't want me to have it."

"No. I bought it because I want to gift this to you. It's for you."

Jungkook said with a proud smile on his face. Taehyung shook his head with a mocking smirk and spoke sternly. Jungkook's smile fell as soon as he saw the mocking smile on Taehyung's face. This is not what he expected.

"Is this a way to get on my good side Mr. Jeon? You know what MIGHT have earned that?"

He moved closer to Jungkook, looking straight into his eyes and gritted his teeth as he spoke.

"If you just let me have the painting naturally in the auction, with no games involved."

"You would've owned the painting if I was not involved..."

"Exactly my point."

"Then how will I show my sincerity to you and the fact that I can go to any extent to give you anything and everything without you even asking me."

Taehyung blinked his eyes, looking away from Jungkook and moved away from him. He shook his head as he thought to himself.

/'Don't let him get to your head Taehyung.'/

This has become the regular chant in his head, every time he meets Jungkook or even near him. Because even Jungkook's stares speak a lot.

Jungkook took the painting from Bright's hand who passed it to him and left when Jungkook dismissed him.

"Take it."

He forwarded it to Taehyung, who glanced at it then back at Jungkook and looked away ignoring him.

Jungkook didn't once stop looking at Taehyung, he could feel Jungkook's eyes on him as he side eyed the other. Jungkook took a deep breath and spoke softly.

"Just ask me anything. Anything in the world and I'll put it under your feet. Just give me a chance. Take it."


Was all Taehyung said without even looking at Jungkook whose hand was still holding the canvas forward. He gritted his teeth, clenching his jaw and closed his eyes to control his emotion ready to burst out from his heart.

"I am gonna ask you one last time Kim Taehyung. Are you going to take it or not?"

"I won't change my answer no matter what. So, it's a NO."


Jungkook nodded to himself running his tongue inside his cheek.

"Okay. Fine. Then, I don't need it."

Taehyung frowned and looked at him, not understanding what he was trying to say but before he could even finish his thought, he saw Jungkook break the canvas on his knee. Thankfully, it didn't breathe considering the canvas of old art was made on a cloth.

Jungkook was about to repeat the action. Clearly, hell bent on breaking it. He raised the canvas over his head and was about to snap it on his knee, but Taehyung held his hand tight to stop him from his acts.

"STOP!! Are you crazy?!?!"

He snatched the painting from Jungkook's hand examined it carefully to see if it was damaged. Thankfully it was slightly bent in the middle that can be fixed easily.

"You know what painting this is? Do you have any idea who painted this? It's 'masked love' for god's sake. How can you be so---"

Taehyung started blabbering and scolding him while still checking the painting and dusting it gently with a tissue. He was glaring at Jungkook, he was pouting, he was huffing as he gave an earful to Jungkook who was smiling. First reaction for him from Taehyung.

" ...you spent 50 million dollars on it and you just... Oh god... If you don't know the value of the painting, then at least value money. Just bec--- What?"

Taehyung asked narrowing his eyes when he saw Jungkook smiling like an idiot while looking at him. Jungkook leaned closer and spoke in his husky voice, looking straight into Taehyung's grey eyes.

"You are even more beautiful when you are expressive like this. You would fall in love with yourself if you looked at you now. Be glad I am refraining myself from falling for you. I mean at least not until I get to know you."

Taehyung was flustered at the unexpected comment feeling embarrassed and a bit frustrated to let his emotion out in open like that. He immediately moved back, looking away not wanting to give false impression that he was blushing or something.

"Whatever. Take this and don't do that again."

"So, if I take it then it'll be mine. And I can do anything I want to do with MY painting. Hang it on my wall, or my office or just break it..."


"Unless you take it."

Taehyung closed his eyes and hugged the painting close to his heart involuntarily when he heard Jungkook say he'd break it.

"Fine. I am taking it."

Jungkook smiled widely showing his bunny teeth.

"Don't get any ideas. I am not taking it for you. I can't trust you with this masterpiece. I will send the cheque soon."

"Do that and you will have the canvas in your hand in two or more pieces."

"Are you--"

"It's a gift. So, we will keep it that way."

Taehyung stood there helplessly, holding the canvas in his hand. He noted in his mind to return Jungkook's favor in the future and he will definitely do so in way or the other.

"Whatever. I am leaving."

He said and walked away when he saw Jackson wave at him from distance not bothering to hear Jungkook's reply if he gave any.

He handed over the canvas to Jackson who took it with a confused face.

"It's bent a little. Take care of it and glass frame it."

Jackson nodded. Taehyung looked back, expecting Jungkook to be there but the hall was empty. He took a deep breath and follwed Jackson out of the hall. He felt all his nerves calm when the cool evening breeze hit him. It was cloudy and breezy.

"You can leave. I will walk home."

"But Mr. Kim--"

"It's not that far Wang. I'll be fine."

Jackson nodded helplessly when he saw Taehyung smile as he felt the breeze. He didn't want to take that away from him.

As soon as Jackson left Taehyung walked looking at the busy streets, hugging himself lost in thoughts.

"Perfect weather for a romantic walk huh...


Jungkook scared Taehyung yet again popping out of nowhere. Taehyung rolled his eyes and fastened his pace, trying to escape him. Jungkook laughed at his actions, shaking his head and jogged to catch up to him.

He turned out with his hand sin his pockets and walked backwards, facing Taehyung who was not comfortable with the action but stayed quiet.

"So, you took my gift. Should I plan the date?"

Taehyung subtly glared him who had a cheeky smile on his face. He was going on blabbering about evrything and flrting every now and then but Taehyung didn't even acknowledge him It was like he was walking alone with a broken radio.

Jungkook was walking backwards and that was making Taehyung nervous. Scared he might hurt himself.

Before he could even complete his thought, he saw how Jungkook was invoulnatrily moving close to the road as he is walking backwards not noticing the truck moving towards them. Taehyung held Jungkook's shirt sleeves and pulled him harshly towards the foot path.

"Watch out!!"

Jungkook stumbled a little and saw the truck pass the exact place he was standing few minutes ago.

"Careful Jeon!!"

Taehyung roared and started walking. Jungkook clearly saw fear and anger in his eyes.

"So, this is how I get your attention huh... "

He smirked and joined Taehyung, lost in thoughts and mumbled under his breath.

"So, I really need to hurt myself to get your attention."


Taehyung asked, unable to hear what Jungkook was saying or if he was even talking to him. Before could register what was happening Jungkook held his shoulder and made him face the other.


Jungkook smirked and walked backwards, confusing Taehyung until it turned into worry and scare when he saw Jungkook walk backwards on the busy road, not caring about the vehicles.

"Will you go out with me?"

"Jungkook come back!!"

"Will you allow me to court you?"

"Jungkook stop this and come back!!!"

The cars were honking and screaming at Jungkook who was walking backwards, looking like a maniac on the busy road. Taehyung tried to go towards him, but he was unable to because of the vehicles.


Taehyung was on the verge of crying. A person might get hurt because of him. And his anxiety with the cars and roads didn't help him. His mind was pushing his thoughts to his mother's accident.

He widened his eyes and rushed towards Jungkook when he saw car almost hit him. He was sure he saw it graze his sides harshly. He held Jungkook's collar and managed to bring him back to the path with few people surrounding them after witnessing something crazy.

Taehyung clenched his teeth and glared at him. He rubbed his face with his palms. He pushed Jungkook from his chest and spoke.

"Have you gone mad?! What was that!? Do you have any idea what could've... you know what. I just--"

"Your answer."

Taehyung closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He looked at Jungkook and spoke while gritting his teeth.

"Ugh-- Fine. I'll think about it. But remember, I am not promising anything."

Jungkook nodded shrugging his shoulders.

"That's a very great progress if you ask me. Hope you have a great day, Taehyung. See you soon."

He said and walked away casually like he didn't give Taehyung a heart attack a few moments ago.


Jungkook screamed from distance with a bright wide smile on his face.

End of Chapter 10


FAUX LOVE - Chapter 10 - HumpiTK - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.