Click on any of the following links for information:
- Registration Policies
- Records Policies
- Student Classifications
- Graduation Policies
- UNLV Student Referral Guide
It is solely the student’s responsibility to know and follow all university policies and procedures in effect during regular semesters and summer terms. All colleges and departments have certain academic requirements that must be met before a degree is granted. These are described in the various college sections of this catalog and concern such things as curricula, majors, and minors. Advisors, department chairs, and deans are available to help the student understand and arrange to meet these requirements; the student is responsible for knowing what requirements must be met and for completing them. At the end of any course of study, if requirements for graduation have not been satisfied, the degree will be withheld. Institutional catalogs do not constitute contractual agreement or commitments. For this reason, it is important for each student to be acquainted with all regulations, to remain currently informed throughout the college career, and to be responsible for completing all requirements.
Registration Policies | ^ Top |
All registration activity is conducted through online registration, which is accessible through the university’s website ( Registration instructions and the class schedule canbe accessed through this website also.
Each student is personally responsible for completing registration on the date and at the time specified in the registration guide for each semester. (See Academic Calendar or Registration Guide.) Registration is not complete until all registration materials are properly completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar and all fees have been paid.
Credit Load: The university considers 12 semester credits as the minimum full-time undergraduate credit load. The maximum credits allowed during a regular semester are 17 for freshmen level, and 18 for sophom*ore, junior, and senior levels.
Credit Load for Non-degree Seeking Students: Undergraduate non-degree seeking students are limited to a maximum of eight credits per semester with the exception of those students enrolled in UNLV-affiliated study abroad programs, in which case the maximum is 18 credits per semester. Individual exceptions to this policy may be made on a case-by-case basis by petition to the dean of the Academic Success Center. Appeal of negative decisions may be taken to the UNLV Academic Standards Committee. A total of no more than 24 credits earned while a non-degree seeking student may be applied to an undergraduate degree. The dean of a college or the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee may reduce a student’s registration to less than the normal academic load if the student failed to earn credit in any course the previous semester. Late registrants may also be subject to credit limitations.
Credit Load for International Students: International students are required to register for and complete a full credit load (12 credits for undergraduates, nine credits for graduate students, and six for graduate assistants) each fall and spring semester to maintain their legal status as F-1 visa students with the Department of Homeland Security. International students may use only three credits of on-line course work towards the full credit load minimum
Summer Credit Load: Six credits in a five-week session is considered a full load; however, students may register up to seven credits without filing an overload petition. One credit in one week or three credits in three weeks is also considered a full load.
Credit Overload: Freshmen registering for more than 17 semester credits must have the approval of their advisor and dean. Sophom*ores, juniors, and seniors registering for more than 18 semester credits must have the approval of the advisor and dean. Petition forms for credit overloads may be obtained from the department offices and should be filed with the Office of the Registrarprior to registration.
An overload petition must be approved and be on file with the Office of the Registrarbefore the terms begins. If a student enrolls for more than the number of credits allowed for a given semester or session but does not have an approved petition on file with the Office of the Registrar, the student will be administratively dropped from the last class for which he or she registered and will be subject to fee penalties in effect at the time registration is cancelled.
Late Registration: Students who fail to complete their registration before the semester begins may register during the period of late registration specified in the Registration Guide. Any change in registration must be completed and paid for before the close of late registration. Late registration period begins on the first day of classes and ends at the end of the fifth day of classes. Students may freely add and drop classes, or switch sections during this period. On the other hand, the student may accrue late fees if
- He or she waits until the late registration period to pay all their tuition and/or fees,
- The total number of credits accumulated by the end of this period exceeds the number of credits accumulated (and paid for) by the end of the Friday before the start of classes.
Adding Classes: Students may add or switch classes until the end of the late registration period.
Prerequisites: Course prerequisites are conditions that need to be met before being allowed to register in a particular course. Prerequisite might be another course, a test score, a particular standing (junior, senior, etc.), and/or having declared a particular major.
Prerequisites: Course prerequisites are conditions that need to be met before being allowed to register in a particular course. Prerequisite might be another course, a test score, a particular standing (junior, senior, etc.), and/or having declared a particular major.
Corequisites: Course corequisites are conditions that need to be met during the same semester that the course is being offered. In most cases, the corequisite is a lab or a discussion section. Students should enroll in the corequisite, if any, before attempting to enroll in the course itself.
Auditing Classes: Students who choose not earn any credit or a grade for a particular class can audit the class. In order to audit a class, students need to contact the Office of the Registrar.
Changing Credit to Audit: Students may change from credit to audit until the end of the drop period for a class. (Note that different classes may have different drop deadlines.) Please check the class schedule or contact the Office of the Registrar for the drop deadline for a particular class.
Changing Audit to Credit: Students may change from audit to credit until the end of the late-registration period. In order to change from audit to credit, students need to contact the Office of the Registrar.
Dropping Classes: It is the student’s responsibility to verify dropped courses. The Office of the Registrar will set a drop date for all length sessions at a point 60 percent into the term. A student may drop his or her class(es) up until the date specified online or in the Registration Guide as the “last day to drop or withdraw.” Before the end of the drop period, the instructor should provide the student with a preliminary evaluation of the student’s progress. No drops or withdrawals will be allowed after the last day to drop or withdraw. Those students who drop after the end of late registration will be assigned a withdraw grade of WD,WH or W which will appear on the students’ transcripts but will not be calculated in their GPA. A grade of F will be recorded for a student who stops attending class and fails to officially drop or withdraw with the Office of the Registrar. A student who has officially dropped a class and who is no longer registered for credit or for audit is ineligible for further attendance in that class. If a student fails to properly drop or withdraw from classes, he or she will be subject to failing grades.
Withdrawal From Classes: Students who wish to withdraw from all classes in which they are registered must obtain a withdrawal form from the Office of the Registrar, obtain all required signatures, and return the form to the Office of the Registrar prior to the last day to drop or withdraw. The withdrawal is official only after it is accepted by the Office of the Registrar. If a student fails to properly drop or withdraw from classes, he or she will be subject to failing grades.
Cancellation of Withdrawal: A student who has withdrawn from the university may request the Office of the Registrar to void the withdrawal without additional approval provided that the late registration period has not ended. After the late-registration period has ended, withdrawals may be cancelled only with the approval of the instructors concerned, the dean of the college in which the student is enrolled, and the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee. A withdrawal may not be voided under any circ*mstances after the instructional period has ended. Petition forms for this purpose may be obtained in the Office of the Registrar or at the Faculty Senate website.
Undergraduates Taking Graduate-Level Courses: Undergraduates who wish to enroll in graduate courses must have accumulated a minimum of 90 semester hours of credit, with a grade point average of at least 3.00. Undergraduate students admitted to the Honors College must have accumulated a minimum of 45 semester hours of credit with a grade point average of at least 3.00. All undergraduate students wishing to take a graduate-level course must complete an “Approval for an Undergraduate to Enroll in a Graduate (600-700) Level Course” form, obtain the necessary signatures, and have it approved by the Graduate College prior to registration. No more than six hours of graduate-level courses will be allowed during one semester.
Administrative Drop: An administrative drop may be initiated at the discretion of the instructor, who will record circ*mstances. The approval of the dean of the college offering the course is required. A request for an administrative drop must be received by the Office of the Registrarprior to the drop date. If the request for an administrative drop is not received by the drop date, the student will be subject to a grade for the course. Deadlines and grades are the same as for a drop initiated by the student and are based on the date received at the Office of the Registrar.
Students may appeal the administrative drop to the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee and the Executive Vice President and Provost. Serious cases of misconduct, as defined by the Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Members of the University Community, will be referred to the administrative officer of the rules for appropriate action.
Classroom Conduct: Students have a responsibility to conduct themselves in class and in the libraries in ways that do not interfere with the rights of other students to learn or of instructors to teach. Use of electronic devices such as pagers, cellular phones, or recording devices, or other potentially disruptive activities, is permitted only with the prior explicit consent of the instructor. The instructor may rescind permission at any time during the class.
If a student does not comply with established requirements or obstructs the functioning of the class, the instructor may initiate an administrative drop. The instructor must record circ*mstances. The approval of the dean of the college offering the course is required. Prior to a decision, the dean will consult with the student and other parties as appropriate.
Cancellation of Registration: The university reserves the right to cancel any course in which the enrollment is insufficient to warrant offering the course. In case of cancellation, a refund will be processed after the cancellationis completed. The registration of a student who is ineligible to attend the university is subject to immediate cancellation.
The university also reserves the right to cancel the registration of a student whose attendance at the university, in the opinion of the appropriate administrative officials, would not be mutually beneficial to that person and to the university.
Enrollment After Late-Registration Period: Adding or switching classes after the late-registration period is allowed primarily to adjust for extenuating circ*mstances beyond the student’s control, registration errors, lack of prerequisite courses, or schedule changes initiated by the university.
After the late-registration period is over, changes may be made only when the university deems the circ*mstances sufficiently extraordinary to warrant an exception.
Cancellation of Classes: The university reserves the right to cancel any class in which the enrollment is insufficient to warrant the offering of the course or for reasons beyond the university’s control. The academic department offering the class will notify those registered of the cancellation.
Class Attendance Policy: Registration in a course obligates the student to be regular and punctual in class attendance. Students who without previous arrangement with the instructor or department fail to attend the first two class meetings of a course that meets multiple times per week or the first meeting of a class that meets one time per week may be dropped from the course. Nonattendance for a web-based course shall be defined as failure to log onto WebCampus or other instructor-designed website within one week of course start date without previous arrangements with the instructor or department. A student may be dropped for nonattendance only during the regular drop/add period of the term. Nonattendance does not release students from the responsibility to officially drop any course for which they have enrolled and choose not to complete, nor from financial obligation to pay for the course.
Class Absences: There are no official absences from any university class. It is the student’s responsibility to consult with the teaching faculty regarding absences from their class. Students may be dropped from classes for nonattendance during the first week of instruction upon notification by the instructor.
It is the policy of the Nevada System of Higher Education to be sensitive to the religious obligations of its students. Any student missing class quizzes, examinations, or any other class or lab work because of observance of religious holidays shall be given an opportunity during that semester to make up missed work. The makeup will apply to the religious-holiday absence only. It shall be the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor no later than the last day of late registration of his or her intention to participate in religious holidays that do not fall on state holidays or periods of class recess. This policy shall not apply in the event that administering the test or examination at an alternate time would impose an undue hardship on the instructor or the university that could not reasonably have been avoided.
Any student who is denied a make-up option after appropriately notifying the teaching faculty, shall have the right to appeal that decision through the normal appeal mechanism in place at the university.
Policy for Missed Work: Students who represent the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, at any official extracurricular activity shall have the opportunity to make up any assignments or examinations missed as a result of this event. It is the responsibility of the student to provide official written notification to the instructor of the course(s) at the earliest time possible of his or her intention to participate in a university-sponsored event but no less than one week prior to the date of the missed class(es). This policy shall not apply in the event that completing the assignment or administering the examination at an alternate time would impose an undue hardship on the instructor or the university that could reasonably have been avoided. There should be good-faith effort by both faculty and student to come to a reasonable resolution. When disagreements regarding this policy arise, they can be appealed to the department chair, dean of the college, and the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee. For purposes of definition, extracurricular activities may include, but are not limited to, intercollegiate athletics, band, drama, forensics, recruitment, or any other activity sanctioned by the college dean and/or the Executive Vice President and Provost.
Records Policies | ^ TOP |
Change of Address: Any change of address should be reported immediately to the Office of the Registrar through the online registration system, in person, or by phone. Any university correspondence mailed to the last address provided by the student to the Office of the Registrar will discharge the university from all responsibility for notification.
Change of Name: Students may change their name in the university records by completing the change of name form in the Office of the Registrar submitting copies of the appropriate supporting documentation.
Student Classifications | ^ Top |
Regular Student: A regular student is one who has been officially admitted to the university. A minimum of 12 semester hours of credit is required for a full-time undergraduate program.
International Student: An international student is one who has been officially admitted to the university and may register for a non-on-line degree program under an F-1 or J-1 (student) visa status in accordance with Department of Homeland Security requirements.
Non-Degree Seeking Student: A non-degree seeking student is one who has not been admitted to the university. A non-degree seeking student is limited to a maximum of eight credits or the equivalent per semester, with the exception of those students enrolled in UNLV-affiliated Study Abroad programs in which case the maximum is 18 credits per semester. Individual exceptions to this policy may be made on a case-by-case basis by petition to the Dean of the Academic Success Center. Appeal of negative decisions may be taken to the UNLV Academic Standards Committee. A maximum of 24 credits earned while a non-degree seeking student may be applied toward a baccalaureate degree. An international student may not receive an I-20 form to maintain F-1 visa status by enrolling as a non-admitted student.
Graduate Standing or Graduate Provisional Student: A graduate standing or graduate provisional student is a student who has earned and received a bachelor’s degree, has been granted full or provisional standing in the Graduate College, and is pursuing graduate study.
Professional Student: Students who are admitted into law or dental programs are considered professional students.
Unit of Credit: The unit of credit is the semester hour, which is ordinarily defined as one 50-minute lecture a week for a semester. Two or three hours of laboratory work a week, depending upon the amount of outside preparation required, usually carry the same credit as one lecture hour.
Student Standing: Student standing is determined by the number of semester hours a student has completed. The hours required for each classification are indicated below.
Freshman 29 or fewer credits
Sophom*ore 30-59
Junior 60-89
Senior 90 or more credits
Grades: The following grade symbols are used in reporting and recording a student’s proficiency in university courses:
A – Superior
B – Above average
C – Average
D – Below average
F – Failing. Failed courses count as credits attempted.
S – Satisfactory
U – Unsatisfactory
X – Hold grade (used for incomplete undergraduate research projects)
AD – Audit
I – Incomplete (see below)
WD/WH/W – Withdrawn (issued for a drop after the end of the late registration)
Incomplete Grade: The grade of I — incomplete — can be granted when a student has satisfactorily completed at least three-fourths of the semester but for reason(s) beyond the student’s control, and acceptable to the instructor, cannot complete the last part of the course, and the instructor believes that the student can finish the course without repeating it. A student who receives an I is responsible for making up whatever work was lacking at the end of the semester. The incomplete work must be made up before the end of the following regular semester. If course requirements are not completed within the time indicated, a grade of F will be recorded and the GPA will be adjusted accordingly. Students who are making up an incomplete do not register for the course but make individual arrangements with the instructor who assigned the I grade.
To report the course grade, the instructor requests a removal of incomplete grade form from the Office of the Registrar when the student’s work is near completion. The instructor is responsible for returning the completed form directly to the Office of the Registrar. When possible, final make-up grades for incomplete courses for currently registered students will be posted to the academic record before the semester’s grades are entered.
Satisfactory/Fail Grading: Certain courses are offered only on a satisfactory/fail basis, whereby the student will receive a grade of S or F rather than be graded on the ABCDF scale. A limited number of courses are offered on this S/F basis. No courses are offered with an option of either S/F or A - F grading. Courses graded only on S/F are identified in the class schedules for each semester. Policies and procedures governing satisfactory/fail grading are:
- The grade of S is not used in computing the grade point average; F grades are included in averages.
- No limitation is placed on the number of S/F graded courses for which a student may register during any given semester.
- The maximum number of credits applicable to a degree program that can be earned in S/F courses are determined by the dean of the college offering the program.
Grade Points and Grade Point Average (GPA): To facilitate the averaging of grades, the following quality points are assigned for one semester credit hour of each grade:
Point Value Grade | per Credit |
A | 4.0 |
A- | 3.7 |
B+ | 3.3 |
B | 3.0 |
B- | 2.7 |
C+ | 2.3 |
C | 2.0 |
C- | 1.7 |
D+ | 1.3 |
D | 1.0 |
D- | 0.7 |
F | 0.0 |
S, I, X, WD/WH/W or AD. not computed |
Grade point average is obtained by dividing the total number of points earned by the total number of semester credit hours attempted, excluding noncredit courses and courses in which the marks of S, I, X, WD/WH/W, or AD are recorded.
Grade Point Balance: Grade point balance (GPB) indicates how far above or below a student is from a 2.00 GPA. To compute the GPB, points are assigned as follows:
One Credit of: | Points of: |
A | +2.0 |
A- | +1.7 |
B+ | +1.3 |
B | +1.0 |
B- | +.07 |
C+ | +0.3 |
C | 0.0 |
C- | -0.3 |
D+ | -0.7 |
D | -1.0 |
D- | -1.3 |
F | -2.0 |
The grade point balance is an aid in helping students with grade deficiencies to determine what is needed to bring their GPA up to a 2.00 which is the minimum needed for graduation. As an example, a record with a GPB of ‑8 would require a minimum of eight hours of B (8 times +1.0) or four hours of A (4-times +2.0) to bring the GPA up to a 2.00.
Academic Good Standing: Students enrolled at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas who maintain a UNLV grade point balance of zero or above, that is, a UNLV cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or above will be considered in good standing.
University Probation: Probation is a statement that a student’s grade point average has fallen below a 2.00. The university will place a student on probation if the UNLV grade point balance falls below zero, that is, if the grade point average falls below 2.00. Probation will be lifted as soon as the grade point balance rises to zero or above. Continued poor academic performance that leads to a grade point balance of -15 or below will result in university suspension. It is the responsibility of students on probation to seek advice from an academic advisor.
University Suspension: If the UNLV grade point balance of a student already warned by probation falls to -15 or below, the university will suspend the student for a minimum of one calendar year. A suspended student will not be allowed to take any UNLV credit courses. If the student has already begun courses in summer session I at the time the suspension letter is mailed, the courses in summer session I may be completed for credit even though the student is on suspension. Students will be dropped from summer session II and III courses. Credits earned in Summer Session I will not take a student off university suspension even if the grade point balance reaches above -15.
The university will suspend only at the end of a regular fall or spring semester in which the student has been on probation. University suspension automatically suspends the student from the program and college in which he or she is enrolled. A certified letter mailed to the last address provided by the student to the Office of the Registrar will discharge all university responsibility for notification.
University Readmission after Suspension: After one calendar year has elapsed, students may petition their college for readmission on probation. (A student with less than 36 credits may choose to request entrance to the Academic Success Center.)
College Probation, Suspension, and Readmission: If acceptable progress is not made in the program in which a student is enrolled, the college may place the student on college probation or college suspension. College and department rules govern these matters, and the student is responsible for knowing the rules.
College suspension does not suspend a student from the university; however, a suspended student will not be permitted to take any UNLV credit course until the student has secured readmittance or acceptance by another college.
The college may readmit a student suspended by the college, upon application to the dean, in accordance with college and department rules.
Petitions for relief from college and department rules must include approval of advisor, department chair, and dean. The decision of the college may be further appealed to the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee.
Appealing a Grade: After final grades have been filed in the Office of the Registrar, a grade in an undergraduate course may be changed only by the course instructor or by the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee. Grade appeals must be directed first to the instructor. If the student is not satisfied with the instructor’s decision, the student may notify the Faculty Senate Office of the desire to file a grade grievance petition. Notice of such filing must be received by the Faculty Senate Office by the end of the second week of instruction of the semester (fall or spring) following the semester in which the grade was given. Upon notification that a student is filing a grievance, the Faculty Senate program officer will make available to the student materials that outline the grievance procedures. After compiling the appropriate documentation, the student files the petition and supporting documentation with the Faculty Senate program officer, who will notify the chair and instructor (if possible) that a grievance has been filed and documentation is then sent to the chair of the department for input by the instructor, department chair, and college dean. After a decision is made at the college level, the petition and all input are forwarded to the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee. The decision of the Academic Standards Committee will be communicated to all parties involved.
Correcting a Grade: An instructor may correct a clerical error on his or her grade sheet by filing a Change of Grade form with the Office of the Registrar. This form must first be approved by the department chair and by the dean of the college. Requests for a grade change form should be made by the instructor to the Office of the Registrar; the instructor is responsible for returning the form directly to the Office of the Registrar. The form must be received by the Office of the Registrar within six months from the last day of the term/semester in which the original grade was given. After six months have elapsed, a petition to correct a grade must be submitted to the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee.
Repeating a Course: Any course may be repeated regardless of the grade received. Credit will be allowed only once for successful completion of the course, except for the courses designated in the catalog as allowable repeats. A student may repeat any UNLV course once at UNLV and not have the original grade included in the computation of the grade point average. When a course is repeated more than once, only the original grade is omitted in computing the grade point average. The repeat grade must be on the same grading option as the original grade. All grades will remain on the student’s transcript with suitable notation to ensure an accurate academic record. For courses repeated prior to February 1971, both the original grade and the repeat grade are included in the grade point average.
Grade reports may not initially reflect the repeated courses. Grade point averages, credits attempted, and credits earned will be manually adjusted.
The fact that UNLV has granted a degree to a student shall not preclude the student’s right to repeat a course for the purpose of improving a grade. However, student standing will not be affected by the results.
A student receiving a final grade of F in a course can obtain credit by reregistering for the course, repeating the class work, and receiving a passing grade. A failed course cannot be challenged by examination.
A failed course does not have to be repeated unless the course is a university general education core requirement or a specific college or department requirement.
Credit by Examination: A regular, currently enrolled student who is not on probation may take an examination for credit in a course listed in the Undergraduate Catalog, subject to the following regulations:
- The student must provide evidence of the objectives and have covered the subject matter of the course as a result of having taken a comparable course in a nonaccredited educational institution or by systematic, independent study or directly pertinent occupational experience.
- All admitted students are eligible for credit by examination. Non-degree seeking students may not apply.
- A maximum of 30 semester credits may be obtained by examination.
- Credit by examination is not considered resident credit.
- Credit by examination cannot be obtained in a course that covers at an elementary level the subject matter of a more advanced course for which the student has already received credit.
- Credit by examination may not be obtained fora course previously completed at an accredited institution including courses previously taken at UNLV.
- Credit by examiniation may not be obtained for a course where a failing grade was earned.
- Native speakers of a language other than English may not receive lower-division foreign language credit for courses in their native tongue.
Students must request an application from the Office of the Registrar and, before taking the examination, obtain written approval from the student’s advisor and dean, the instructor of the course, and the department chair and the dean of the college offering the course. The feeper course must be paid in advance.
Regardless of whether or not the student wants the grade recorded, the instructor will enter a grade of ABCDF or S/F on the Credit by Examination form and deposit the form with the Office of the Registrar. The instructor will file the completed examination according to the instructions of the dean or department chair; these examinations may be inspected by any faculty member.
Dual Major: Undergraduate students may add a second major and graduate with a dual major provided the degree approved for the second major is the same as the degree approved for the first major. Curriculum requirements for both majors must be satisfied. If the majors are in different colleges, the resident credit requirement must be satisfied in both colleges. Forms to initiate adding a second major are available in the Office of the Registrar. The addition of a second major should be completed prior to undertaking the last 30 semester credits of work required for the degree sought. At graduation, both majors are entered on the permanent record and appear on transcripts.
Dual Baccalaureate: Students may earn two baccalaureates, either successively or simultaneously, provided that all requirements for both degrees are fulfilled. Additionally, courses taken for one degree must include a minimum of 30 credits earned in residence beyond the minimum requirements for the other degree. A student who has earned one UNLV bachelor’s degree must file an application in the Office of the Registrarbefore undertaking a second degree program. A separate application for graduation must be submitted to the dean of the college from which the second degree is expected, and payment of a graduation fee for each degree is required. Upon completion, both degrees are entered on the permanent record and appear on transcripts.
Minor: Minor is defined by a department within the following minimums:
- Eighteen credit hours in subject areas (24 recommended).
- Twelve credit hours must be at the 300- or 400-level.
- Nine credit hours must be completed at UNLV.
Approval of the department and dean offering the minor is required. Forms to add a minor are available at the Office of the Registrar. Work must be completed by the date of graduation.
Changing College, Major; Adding a Second Major; Adding a Minor: Undergraduate students may change major or minor by obtaining the appropriate forms from the Office of the Registraror an appropriate advising center and securing the required signatures. The change is official when the completed forms are filed in the Office of the Registrarand becomes effective according to the semester specified on the form.
Each student must satisfy the course requirements of the college and major to which transfer is made, including any admission deficiencies.
A student may beaccepted simultaneously in two colleges while pursuing dual undergraduate majors or dual undergraduate degrees. (See Dual Major and Dual Baccalaureate.)
Students who wish to declare a minor arrange this at the appropriate department office or advising center.
Study Week: The UNLV Faculty Senate approved the following policy for Study Week:
To ensure that students have the proper time to prepare for final examinations, the week before final exams shall be designated as a study week, in which classes will meet as scheduled but during which faculty members are encouraged to refrain from giving major tests (i.e. hour-long, sit-down, written exams). The policy shall not affect such assignments as laboratory finals, performance exams (as in juries, theatre, music, dance, etc.), short quizzes, term papers, final reports, and similar activities.
Examinations: Instructors are responsible for the proper evaluation of enrolled students throughout the instructional period.
Final Grades: Each instructor is responsible for determining final grades and for submitting them to the Office of the Registrarby posted deadlines.These grades shall become a part of the official records of the university. Grades that appear on the student’s grade report at the end of the semester are considered final unless the student identifies an error to the Office of the Registrarwithin six months. (See Correcting a Grade.) Final grades are not given out by telephone. Grade reports are also distributed to the dean of each college.
Academic Renewal Policy: Academic renewal is defined as one semester of UNLV course work disregarded in all calculations regarding academic standing, grade point average, and eligibility for graduation at UNLV. If summer courses are to be included in the work to be disregarded, then course work from all summer terms of the same calendar year shall count as one semester. Students granted academic renewal may not graduate with academic distinctions. Disregarded grades may be calculated in scholarship awards or financial aid considerations.
A minimum of three consecutive years must have elapsed since the last semester of attendance at UNLV. Only semesters prior to the absence are eligible for academic renewal. Academic renewal will be granted only once during a returning student’s UNLV academic career and shall be applied only to the first undergraduate degree at UNLV. Students must apply for academic renewal before they have completed 24 credits since returning to UNLV. There will be no reimbursem*nt of fees for the disregarded semester of academic renewal. Approval of an Academic Renewal requestdoes not constituteacceptance into a UNLV college or school. If conditions outlined in the Academic Renewal Policy are met, the student’s permanent record shall be suitably annotated to indicate that work taken during the disregarded semester, even if satisfactory, will not apply toward graduation requirements. All course work will remain on the transcript, ensuring a true and accurate academic history.
A completed Academic Renewal Policy Request Form must be filed by the student. This form must be completed and signed by the student and returned to the Office of the Registrar. The request must be submitted prior to the completion of 24 credits after returning to UNLV.
UNLV does not honor academic renewal policies from transfer institutions.
Transcripts: Official transcripts are copies of student academic records of all work attempted at UNLV and bear the seal of the university and the signature of the Registrar. Upon written request from eligible students, the Office of the Registrar will issue official UNLV transcripts. Transcripts of work from other institutions will not be issued.
Student Record Retention:
- Permanent academic records are retained indefinitely.
- Grade sheets are retained for five years.
- Applications for admission, transcripts from other institutions and military service records, for matriculated students, are retained five years after last attendance.
- Registration and change of name forms are retained for one year.
- Admission materials for nonmatriculated students and/or students denied admission are retained for two years.
Retention of Records by Faculty: All instructors are encouraged to retain records of completed course work and grades for a period of one calendar year from the date of the last day of the term/semester. Part-time, relocating, and retiring instructors should provide these materials to their respective departments.
Summer Term: Summer courses have the same academic content as the fall or spring courses with the same titles, but the summer courses move at a much faster pace. Many students enjoy limiting their attention to one or two topics, and they find that attending classes five days a week forces them to concentrate on the subject material.
While the courses are the same, the summer term policies are not the same as those in fall or spring. There is a limit on the number of credits that can be taken during summer. Six credits in a five-week session is considered a full load. One credit in one week or three credits in three weeks is also considered a full load.
Bills are not sent to students for summer term courses. Fees must be paid the business day before the course a student is registered for begins to avoid late fees. To receive a 100 percent refund a student must drop a course the business day before the course begins. If a student registers for a course and does not pay the fees due by the end of the late-payment period for the session in which the course falls, the student will be administratively dropped still owing 50 percent of the fees for the course. The fiscal drop date for a summer term course is the date on which 20 percent of the course has passed. The academic drop for a summer term course is the date on which 60 percent of the course has passed. The summer term schedule is published in both paper and on-line formats. Further details on course offerings, policies, and procedures are outlined in the schedule.
Graduation Policies | ^ Top |
Choice of Catalog to Satisfy Graduation Requirements: A student enrolled at a Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) institution may elect to graduate under the catalog of the year of enrollment in a baccalaureate-level program.A student may also elect to graduate under the catalog year that was active when a studententered the university or the catalog year that is active when a student applies to graduate.
Whichever catalog is used, it cannot be more than 10 years old at the time of graduation.
In the case of NSHE transfer students, any exceptions to this policy will be handled by theOffice of the Registrarand the transfer agreement contract process. To be guaranteed the catalog of choice upon transfer, a student must have an approved transfer agreement on file with the university.
The university does not guarantee the awarding of a degree based on the unchanged requirements of a particular catalog. Periodic revisions of degree requirements are made because of advances in knowledge, changes in occupational qualifications, or the expectations of accrediting authorities. If such revisions have occurred, the college dean may require a reasonable adherence to the college and department requirements of a recent or current catalog. Institutional catalogs do not constitute contractual agreement or commitments. It is the responsibility of students to keep in touch with the major department in order to learn of such requirements and to plan ahead for their satisfaction.
Resident Credit: Resident credit means any course that is satisfactorily completed at UNLV, except credit earned by special examination or correspondence courses. Correspondence study, credit by special examination, or enrollment in another institution within the Nevada System of Higher Education does not constitute an interruption of resident credit.
A candidate for thebaccalaureate degree must complete the last 30 UNLV semester credits in uninterrupted resident credit as a declared major in the degree-granting college. A student must declare a major prior to enrolling in the last 30 UNLV resident credits. (Special examination, physical education activity courses, or correspondence credits are exempted.)
Authorized exceptions to this regulation for the baccalaureate degree are:
- A pre-medical, pre-law, or medical technology student who has completed three years of approved resident credit may complete the last 30 credits by satisfactory work in a professional school or university-approved hospital. Students who elect this option should confer with their UNLV dean and with the Office of the Registrarwell in advance of the expected transfer date and obtain prior written permission.
- A student who has earned a minimum of three-fourths of the total degree credits in resident instruction may earn a maximum of eight acceptable transfer credits during the senior year to apply toward the degree.
- Students in the Study Abroad Program sponsored by the UNLV Office of International Programs who have earned three-fourths of the credits at UNLV may earn a maximum of 15 acceptable transfer credits.
A waiver of the resident credit requirement is rarely granted, unless there are extenuating circ*mstances involving UNLV responsibility (e.g., requiring completion of a specific course in a student’s major field and that course is not available at the UNLV campus). A petition for an exception should be submitted two semesters in advance of the expected date of graduation. No waiver will be granted unless the petition is approved by the advisor, department chair, dean, and the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee.
Minimum Credits for Graduation: The minimum number of semester credits required for a bachelor’s degree for a student graduating under the regulations of the 2010 - 2012 Undergraduate Catalog is 120. At least half of the credits required for a baccalaureate degree at the institution must be earned at a four-year institution.
Minimum Grade Point Average for Graduation: In order to graduate, an undergraduate student shall have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 for the total of all college-level credit attempted at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV GPA). College and department GPA requirements must also be met.
Academic Distinction: Undergraduate students are eligible for the dean’s honors list if: (1) at least 12 credits have been completed during the semester with grades on the ABCDF scale, and (2) the semester grade point average is 3.50 or higher.
Graduation degree designations for students not participating in University/Department Honors programs are summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude. To be eligible to receive one of these designations, students must complete a minimum of 60 credits at UNLV toward a baccalaureate degree and attain the previously calculated GPA level for their individual college (see below). In no case will a person be eligible for summa cum laude with a GPA of less than 3.70.
Criteria for Academic Distinction: At the end of each academic year (defined as summer, fall, and spring terms), the Office of the Registrars will prepare a rank-order list of the top 10 percent (1 percent, 4 percent, and 5 percent) of the students graduating from each college (excluding the Graduate College). The GPA ranges for graduation degree designations for each college will be established for the next academic year from the reports from the previous two years. When there are gaps between the ranges, the mean of the interval will be calculated. Students whose GPAs fall on or above the mean will be awarded the higher designation. These ranges will be applied to August, December, and May graduations. The GPA ranges for the graduation degree designations for the following three semesters will be published and posted in each dean’s office by June 30 of each year.
In the event that no student attains the GPA level required for the summa cum laude designation in a college, the student with the highest GPA in the college at the end of the year will be awarded the designation, provided that his or her GPA is 3.70 or higher.
Students who complete the requirements for University and/or Department Honors and departmental requirements for their major with a GPA in honors courses of at least 3.00 and a minimum of 60 credits at UNLV toward a baccalaureate degree with an overall UNLV GPA of at least 3.30 will graduate with university and/or Department Honors. In addition, students will graduate cum laude if their UNLV GPA is between 3.50 and 3.69 or magna cum laude if their UNLV GPA is 3.70 or higher. Summa cum laude is earned by students who complete Department Honors with a UNLV GPA of 3.70 or higher and receive a grade of A on their senior thesis/project (HON 499 H).
The student graduating with the highest four-year UNLV grade point average is awarded the Nevada Centennial Medallion in a special ceremony.
Application for Graduation: Each undergraduate student should file an application for graduation with the Office of the Registrartwo semesters before the proposed date of graduation. Students must have expected senior standing (earned credits plus credits currently enrolled in, equal to 90 or more) at the time of application.Students can refer to the Office of the Registrar’s website for additional graduation and commencement information.
Degree Completion: All course requirements must be completed by the last day of final examinations of the candidate’s final semester. All grades, including those for make-up of incompletes or completion of X grades, and all transcripts of work attempted at other institutions must be on file in the Office of the Registrarby the date that final semester grades are due, as specified in the class schedule. No degree, diploma, or certificate may be granted to a candidate unless all system, general core, college, and department requirements have been fulfilled. If awarded in error or upon fraudulent claims that are discovered later, the degree, diploma, or certificate will be revoked.
Commencement Ceremony: The university has two commencements each year, one in May and one in December. May graduates are recognized in the May commencement. August and December graduates are recognized in the December commencement.
Undergraduate students who are not scheduled to finish their degree programs until the summer following May commencement will be allowed, under certain circ*mstances, to participate in the May graduation ceremony. These students must have on file an approved application for August graduation by the payment deadline of the May graduation term. The student must be able to demonstrate clearly that all graduation requirements will be completed no later than August and must show that all required remaining courses will be available during the summer sessions.
Exceptions to Academic Policies: If extraordinary circ*mstances warrant waiverof an academic policy, a student may petition for relief. A decision will be made by the UNLV Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee. The petition must first be routed to the student’s advisor (who should assist in preparation), department chair, and dean.
UNLV Student Referral Guide | ^ Top |
(Additional steps may be necessary and are subject to change)
Question/Concern | Refer Student: |
Denial of admission (undergraduate) | Office of Admissions (774-8658)>Faculty Senate Admissions Committee (895-3689) |
Denial of admission (graduate) | Graduate College Office (895-3320)>Department>College Dean>Graduate Coordinator>Graduate College Dean (895-3320) |
Readmission from academic suspension (undergraduate) | Advisor>Department Chair>College Dean>Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee (895-3689) |
Readmission after separation (graduate) | Graduate College (895-3320)>Department>College Dean>Coordinator>Graduate College Dean (895-3320) |
Removal of failing grades (undergraduate) | Advisor>Department Chair>College Dean>Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee |
Removal of failing grades (graduate) | Department Coordinator>College Dean>Coordinator>Graduate College Dean (895-3320) |
Registration adds, drops and changes after drop date | The Office of the Registrar (895-3371)>Instructor>Department Chair>College Dean>Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee (895-3689) or Graduate College for graduate students (895-3320) |
Administrative drops and reinstatements after drop date | Instructor>Department Chair> or College Dean>Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee (895-3689) |
Administrative drop for classroom conduct | Instructor or Graduate College for graduate students (895-3320)>Department Chair>College Dean>Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee (895-3689) or Graduate College for graduate students (895-3320)>Vice Provost for Academic Affairs (895-5182) or The Office of Student Conduct (895-2308) |
Graduation appeal of core requirement | Advisor>Department Chair>College Dean>Faculty Senate General Education Committee (895-3689) or Graduate College for graduate students (895-3320) |
Graduation appeal of college requirement | Advisor>Department Chair>College Dean>Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee (895-3689) or Graduate College for graduate students (895-3320) |
Credit overload 22 credits or more | Advisor>Department Chair>College Dean>The Office of the Registrar (895-3371) or Graduate College for graduate students (895-3320) |
Denial of transfer credit (undergraduate) | Advisor>Department Chair>College Dean>Faculty Senate Admissions Committee (895-3689) |
Denial of transfer credit (graduate) | Department Chair>College Dean>Graduate College Dean (895-3689) |
Grade appeal (undergraduate) | Instructor>Department Chair>College Dean>Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee (895-3689) |
Grade appeal (graduate) | Instructor>Department Chair>College Dean>Graduate College Dean (895-3320) |
Graduate student issues | Advisor>Graduate Coordinator> Department Chair>College Dean>Graduate College Dean (895-3320) |
Residency appeal (undergraduate) | The Office of the Registrar (895-3443)>Residency Appeals Board (895-3443) |
Residency appeal (graduate) | Graduate College (895-3320)>Residency Appeals Board (895-3320) |
Financially withdrawn from classes for nonpayment before academic drop date | Cashiering & Student Accounts (895-3683)>Fee Appeal Committee (895-3683) |
Financially withdrawn from classes for nonpayment after academic drop date | Cashiering & Student Accounts (895-3683)>Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee (895-3689) |
Refunds | Cashiering & Student Accounts (895-3683)>Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee (895-3689)>Fee Appeal Committee (895-3683) |
Appeal of late fees, reinstatement fees and fees due to UNLV | Cashiering & Student Accounts (895-3683)>Fee Appeal Committee (895-3683) |
Financial aid appeal (scholarships, grants, loans, employment, suspension, denial) | Financial Aid & Scholarships (895-3424)>Financial Aid Appeals Committee (895-3424) |
Registration/payments related to financial aid | Financial Aid & Scholarships (895-3424) |
Appeal of financial aid suspension and denial | Financial Aid & Scholarships (895-3424)>Financial Aid Appeals Committee |
Parking tickets | Parking and Transportation Services (895-1300)>Parking and Traffic Committee (895-1300) |
ADA classroom accommodation | Disability Resource Center (895-0866) |
^ Top